Brotherhoood AU Fanfiction
The Official Brotherhood Series - Listed in chronological order
All writers are welcomed to write in The Brotherhood Universe. However, Ridley & Tidia decided to keep to a storyline, and the stories listed here are the ones that are part of that storyline.
Thank you and Enjoy Reading!

Heroes Revisted by Ridley C. James
This is an overview over the whole Brotherhood universe
Interwoven by Tidia
- Pre-Winchesters featuring Joshua Sawyer, Esme and Harland Sawyer and Pastor Jim
Light (Christmas Story) by Ridley C. James
- After a hunt goes wrong, John disappears, leaving his sons to face Christmas without him. The family discovers that it is in our darkest moments, that we find the light within us.
- Story of when Caleb gets hazed by Ian, Fisher & Joshua. John, Bobby and Jim featured. Wee!chesters featured towards the end.
Guardian Angel by Ridley C. James
- Pastor Jim and Dean have a talk about faith, love, duty and those mystical beings with wings.
Let Us Give Thanks by Ridley C James
- What are you most thankful for? An unexpected hunt has eight year old Dean Winchester counting his blessings.
- 9 year old Dean and 5 year old Sam are left on their own after John does not return from a hunt. Mac is sent to pick up the boys, but there is a problem.
- Wee-winchester fic. One shot. Sometimes L-O-V-E spells Trouble, especially if the Winchester boys are involved.
Love Remembers by Ridley C. James
- The Winchester boys prepare for 'Back to School'
Trust versus The Tooth Fairy by Ridley C James
- Some childhood rituals are worth fighting for.
Haunted by Ridley C. James
- Sometimes it isn't only houses that become haunted.
Crucifixion and Krpytonite by Ridley C. James
- It's Easter at Pastor Jim's farm where two boys, a baby duck, and a cookie jar prove nothing is every simple where the Winchesters are concerned.
- It is five year old Sam's Special Day at school, and Dean gets to spend one class period with his brother.
Merit Badge of Honor by Ridley C James
- Dean Winchester learns that sometimes the most important code we live by is the one we create for ourselves.
What Moms Do by Ridley C. James
- Sam has a crisis in school, and Dean does what any big brother would, he comes to the rescue.
- With some help from his family, Sam Winchester learns that a good memory is both a blessing and a curse.
- Tag on for Something Wicked. While at Pastor Jim's, Dean starts down the painful road to becoming real.
The Godfather & The Grandfather By Tidia
- Little explanation on how Dean got introduced to The Godfather by Caleb. The Grandfather is an introduction to Cullen, Caleb's adopted grandfather
The Lost Art of Sweet Tea; A True Story About Love by Ridley C. James
- Eight year old Sam Winchester learns the secret to Pastor Jim's magical sweet tea, and a few things about love from the rest of his family along the way.
- Everyone has something to prove. They want to be the best, to be the star of the team. But sometimes the price of reaching the finish line first, is higher than expected.
Paper Tiger by Ridley C. James
- Caught in a tangled web of unknown enemies and alliances, only one thing is certain...a deadly ending that will shake the core of The Brotherhood, beginning a twenty year vendetta that has far reaching consequence.
Toy Soldiers by Ridley C. James
- Once upon a time, Dean Winchester was a normal little boy. Then the way came and he was dragged into the battlefield to serve in the trenches with a father so desperate to defeat the enemy he sacrificed his own son.
What You Do by Ridley C. James
- Sam doesn't want to hold hands any more now that he is a big boy.
What Caleb's Do by Ridley C. James
- Sometimes adults forget how important the little things are. Dean Winchester knows all about being forgotten. But, Sam in his 6 year old wisdom sees things differently.
Love Reminds Us by Ridley C. James
What My Mom Gave to Me by Ridley C. James
- With Mother's Day just around the corner Dean has some trouble at school that stirs up some haunting memories, but helps him realize that the most important gifts last forever and are untouched by death.
What's Better Than a Superhero? by Ridley C. James: Nine year old Dean Winchester learns the hard way that sometimes a cape and the ability to fly doesn't make a hero.
In the Company of Dragons by Ridley C. James
- There comes a time when everyone must fight for love, for country, for family. And when the battle is upon them, the fortunate warrior finds himself in the company of mighty dragons.
On the Wings of a Phoenix by Ridley C. James
- Like fire, grief is all consuming. We are helpless in its wake. Some rise from the ashes, stronger and wise while others unable to move on carry the flames with them where their soul once lay.
What A Mother Leaves Behind By Ridley C. James
- The boys struggle through another Mother's Day, and with the help of Pastor Jim learn that love has a way of surviving long after a person is gone
Nick of Time by Ridley C. James
- Sam and Dean Winchester learn that Christmas is the perfect season to have your faith restored. Missing Scene for A Very Supernatural Christmas
Hearts and Flowers by Ridley C. James
- Many waters cannot quench love: rivers cannot wash it away.
Home for Christmas by Ridley C. James
- The Guardian Dean Winchester faces the prospect of Christmas without his family, recalling a time when the magic of the season worked to bring an injured eleven-year-old Dean exactly the present he needed most.
Dream On by Tidia
- Dean is 14, Sam is 10 and this is a brief moment before Easter when things go a little wrong. Language warning at some point.
Lessons From Family by Ridley C. James
- Nothing shapes the people we become more than the journey we take with our family. A perilous moment for Dean provides a lesson for his family.
The Heart is A Battlefield by Ridley C. James
- Dean goes through a hunter's rite of passage, and Caleb makes a discovery,
What Faith Can Do by Ridley C. James
- At some point we all are tested. The Winchesters face a moment of uncertainty and must find strength in each other.
Great Beautiful, Terrible Things by Ridley C. James
- Love,the most powerful force in the universe. It can shelter a person from the storm, bolster one against adversity, and as Dean learns when it comes to family, bring one to their knees.
Black Bras and Strappy High-Heeled Shoes by Tidia
- Caleb takes Dean on the ultimate field trip. John is not happy. Warnings for language & topic.
- Life escapes us in a blink of an eye, leaving us with that whiplash sensation, wondering what just happened. We lose focus on what's important. We lose lots of things.
True North by Ridley C. James
- What to get John for Father's Day
- Caleb's reaction when someone gets hurt saving him. John, Dean and Sam help him see the light. Rated just in case for language.
- Holidays for the Winchesters have at times been difficult. Haunted by what their family has lost, they must hold to each other to persevere through another tragedy. But Sam is determined to give his brother the gift of hope whether Dean wants it or not.
Armor by Ridley C. James
- Life is a battlefield where every soldier must accept the certainty of casualties. Their life is at risk, but even more disturbing is the vulnerability of those who stand at their sides.
- If demons can possess people, why can't angels? They had never come across it, but the Winchesters hunted evil not good, so angels did not run in the same circle. Using Ridley's Caleb. Teenage Dean and Sam.
- In war casualties are bound to happen, there are always wounds to be had, but for Dean Winchester the battle lines become distorted when he's caught in an unexpected crossfire.
What Brings Us Home by Ridley C. James
- Sam runs away to Flagstaff and Dean must find his brother before their father returns.
All Sewn Up by Tidia
- There are some cuts and scrapes that need to be tended to on Pastor Jim's farm.
Sorry by Ridley C. James
Iron Will By Ridley C. James
- Sam and Dean are sent on a mistaken hunt by their father only to find out that evil isn't reserved for the Supernatural.
- Not everything supernatural is evil. But a lot of times it is damned irritating. Based on reportedly true events.Teen Winchesters, John, Bobby, Caleb, Pastor Jim & Mac
The Line by Ridley C. James
- Some lines are never to be crossed, but once they are, the edges tend to get blurred, making each journey over them, seemingly easier. . .and deceivingly less strong.
And Innocents by Ridley C. James
- Flashback Thanksgiving story. Dean is 20 and Sam is 16. This does lead to The Best and Worst of Times.
The Red Caboose by Tidia
- Follow up to Black Bras, but this time, it is Sam's turn
- Dean Winchester is a family man. He owes his father everything. He loves his brother more than anything. But being caught between them could be the death of him.
Healing by Ridley C. James
- Dean loses his way and nearly his life when he must learn to go on living with only half his heart intact.
A Brother Thing by Ridley C. James
- Life can be a war. Sometimes we must fight to avoid the wounds that leave us bleeding on the battle field. Sometimes, we must surrender.
Hidden Places by Ridley C. James: Dean finds his life in danger when he stumbles across a ninety year old treasure smack dab in the middle of South Amboy, New Jersey, jumpstarting a hunt in the most unlikely of places.
- This is set during the time when Sam is away at school. Men rise from one ambition to another: first, they seek to secure themselves against attack, and then they attack others. Niccolo Machiavelli
Blurred by Ridley C. James
- The New Year brings the chance for letting go of the past, but sometimes old acquaintances make it hard to forget and the promise of a new tomorrow isn't completely guaranteed.
Dragon Slayer By Ridley C. James: "Fairy tales are more than true not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."-Neil Gaiman
- Sam is away in college and Caleb and Dean get drawn into a hunt that proves to be too much for them.
Valuables by Ridley C. James
- Sam gets a surprise visit and learns that the most valuable things in life rarely come in pretty wrapped packages.
Not Ready to Make Nice by Ridley C. James
- Sam Winchester wasn't ready to be a hunter again, but he was and would always be a brother. When Dean has a brush with death, John and Sam have to come to a truce - sort of.
Something New by Ridley C. James
- Dean Winchester's new interest proves to have unforeseen consequences. He learns that unchartered paths are often the most rocky, leaving him desperate to find his way back to the well known.
WWJD by Ridley C. James & Williamson Scott
- Sam and Dean encounter a nasty poltergeist and a friend from their past all culminating into one long, bad day for Sammy, leaving him looking for guidance from above.
The Strength Of Ten Men by Ridley C. James
- Missing Scene for Devil's Trap.That means spoilers. Sam relearns the meaning of strength, and gains a new appreciation for Dean.
The Way Home by Ridley C. James
The Long Way Back by Ridley C. James
The Truth Shall Set You Free by Ridley C. James
- Tag on to In My Time of Dying
Inescapable by Ridley C. James
- Tag for Everyone Loves a Clown
Talk is Cheap by Ridley C. James
- Missing Scene for Bloodlust
The Enemy of My Enemy by Ridley C. James
- Missing scene for Simon Says
Of Martyrs and Saints by Ridley C. James
The Best and Worst of Times by Ridley C. James & Charge Their Doings by Tidia
- Holiday fics written in parallel.
- Dean & Sam go to NYC to investigate a strange death involving a man who was a memeber of the Spiritist religion. Dean & Sam join the group to solve the mystery with Mac's help.
Hold Fast by Ridley c. James
- Tag for Nightshifter. There are times when we all feel alone and outnumbered, it is in these moments that we must hold fast to the idea that someone out there is watching over us.
- What happened when Caleb was hazed by Ian, Fisher and Joshua
Syngery by Ridley C. James
- Pre-tag for Born Under a Bad Sign. Unknown forces are setting the stage to bring about the Winchester downfall, and no one is above being used as a pawn in the deadly game of deception that is only beginning.
The Pin and the Fork by Ridley C. James
- Tag for Born Under a Bad Sign. Dean learns more than he wanted about the sinister plans of the demon, his fellow hunters and where he and his brother fit in the equation.
Debts, Deuces, and Dumb Moves by Ridley C. James
- Tag for Folsom Prison Blues. Dean Winchester tries to explain his great Green RIver plan in retrospect, while Sam attempts to help in his own little brother kind of way which is really no help at all.
And the Gates Swung Open by Ridley C. James
- Pretag for Episode 2.22. Everything is spinning out of control, and Dean and Sam are faced with a truth that could impact everything they have been through, and everything they have yet to face.
Who Your Friends Are by Ridley C. James
- Dean Winchester is about to find out that the enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend. It is a lesson that may cost him the only family he has left.
- An obligation is something that must be done because of legal or moral duty or something that somebody owes in return for something given.
Temporary Remedy by Ridley C. James
- Tag on for Season finale Dean makes another decision that could bring unforseen consuquences for everyone and Sam ponders the things he did not experience after his fight with Jake.
- Dean finds himself the unwilling leader in a quest to attain a legendary antiquity that may have been the catalyst to his neverending nightmare. To do his duty he may be called upon to sacrifice that which means the most. His family.
- Sides have been drawn and each side wants the witches with them. Caleb, Dean and Sam get drawn into a situation filled with risk.
- Tag on to the episode Dream a Little Dream of Me. Dean learns facing the truth about ones self can be a nightmare, one he can't escape by waking up.
The Edge of Winter by Ridley C. James
- With Dean's life hanging in the balance Sam and Caleb must find a way to bridge their past and present, finding mutual ground beyond old ghosts and personal demons if they are to accomplish the one thing they agree on-saving Dean.
The Principle of Distinction by Tidia
The One Thing He Can't Lose By Ridley C. James
- Dean Winchester is having a crisis of faith, and takes stock of what, besides his life, this deal just might cost him.
Reaching Out by Ridley C. James
- Tag to Long Distance Caller
Marked Time by Tidia
- Dean makes a request of Sam and Caleb of a certain hunt he's been waiting for a chance to look into. His opportunity arises a month before the deal is due.
In Victus by Ridley C. James & Tidia
The Beginning of the End by Ridley C James
With Dean's life nearly at end, The Brotherhood is dealt another shaking blow, sending Mackland Ames on two journeys. One will take him to the past, to the door of one John Winchester. Both will lead him home.
That Thing With Wings by Ridley C. James
- Sometimes the cruelest part of death is that life marches on as if nothing has changed and expects those left behind to carry on as well
Second Chances by Tidia
- It is the first Christmas since Dean returns, and Christmas is being celebrated at the farm with everyone looking for second chances.
Bridge To Another Day by Tidia
- Sam is caught in a situation which leaves Dean and Caleb to save him, but Sam doesn't know he needs saving.
Joshua Chronicles: Ongoing Series by Tidia
Joshua finds out about Ruby and works with the coven.
Joshua recovers from his wounds from In Victus.
Joshua receives the call that Dean is alive.
Christmas Time 2008
Otherwise Engaged
Growing Up
- Joshua in the hospital and learns about Dean's death. (Esme, Jocelyn and Carolyn featured)
Conversations by Ridley C. James
To Cure What Ails You
- Tag on for Family Remains. Sam takes desperate measures to help his brother.
The Luck of the Draw
- This little conversation is a tag on for the last episode: C.A.I.A.D.
Switzerland Sucks
- Tag on for Family Remains and C.A.I.A.D. There's always things that should have been said.
- Valentine's Day with Mackland and Esme
Lies of Omission
- Tag to Death Takes a Holiday
How Many Devils Can Dance (with Tidia)
- Spoilers for On The Head of A Pin
The Best Parts
- Well, because even though I loved the episode, the great Carver Edlund didn’t have the entire story.
Between Brothers
No Place To Stay
- Tag for when the Levee Breaks
Light and Shadows by Ridley C. James & Tidia
- Season finale for Season 4
This Hour and What is Dead by Ridley C. James
- Tag for Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid. Dean and Sam tidy things up for Bobby.
The Pentalogy: Season 5
Still Unbroken by Ridley C. James
- Caleb is on his journey to be The Knight and Dean, Sam and Castiel have to help him find out who he is.
Play On by Tidia
- When the darkest days are upon The Brotherhood it is time to seize the day. It is time for Dean, Sam and Caleb to fulfill their
destiny with a hunt reminding Dean of his duty.
Vengeance is Mine by Ridley C. James
- Becoming The Triad was years in the making. Just when the boys think things have taken a turn for the better, they realize that accepting their positions was only the beginning.
The Hard Sell by Tidia
- To learn more about Triad Power an alliance is made that has repercussions for Dean, Sam and Caleb as the Winchester brothers have their own issues to deal with.
What is to Come by Ridley C. James & Tidia
- T.S. Eliot once said that a life burns in every moment. The Winchesters are about to discover how true that is as they face losing not only the battle between good an evil, but risk the one thing that means the most to them-Brotherhood
- "Waiting is the in-between time. It calls us to be in this moment, this season, without leaning so far into the future that we tear our roots from the present." Sue Monk Kidd
Dragon Trilogy
Spear of Destiny: Rise of the Dragons by Ridley C. James
- Dean Winchester's Triad has faced countless obstacles to claim their rightful place in The Brotherhood-their destiny, only to find that Destiny may have another plan in store for them.
Trespassing by Tidia
- A hunt takes an unexpected turn when Dean, Sam, Caleb and Joshua find themselves in the wrong place and wrong time.
Goliath by Ridley C. James & with appearances Tidia.
- This is a PDF download and the conclusion of the Dragon Trilogy.
Season 8 Tag:
Ignorance is Bliss by Ridley C. James
Season 9 Tag:
Biased by Tidia: Tag for 9.12 Sharp Teeth. Dean takes a break from Sam and talks to Castiel about the divide between him and Sam.
The Guardian, an Angel, and A Prius: A Tale of Going the Distance by Ridley C. James: Tag to Episode 9:13.. Dean Winchester has his hands full with an uppity Prius, a more than helpful angel, and a much needed brotherly heart to heart with Sam, who isn't actually his brother.
There is always a little more...
One of Two Ways by Tidia and Ridley C. James: Dean has to have a conversation with Caleb and is placed in an uncomfortable position.
If you would like to see a listing of other Brotherhood Fanfiction. Go to