In The Mouth Of The Rat
By: Tidia, December 2007
Supernatural is owned by Kripke. Thank you to Ridley C. James for
creating The Brotherhood Universe
Chapter 7/9
Caleb went down the stairs with a heavy weight on his shoulders. It was
crushing. The sounds of the beach were amplified by people enjoying the
day outside while he was inside, alone, watching over Dean.
Listening to his friend's breath, and in between those breaths Caleb
would hear the gulls and waves crashing on the shore. He had grabbed
the vodka to keep him company, and put him in enough of a stupor to
ignore everything.
He wished his parents were alive; the longing increased threefold when
he felt completely helpless. He thought about calling Mac, but knew he
would put his father in a concerned panic.
He stared at the kitchen counter, trying to think of food, but New
Mexico came to mind instead. Caleb had been there, dragged Sam into in
fact, and gave the youngest Winchester a choice.
Sam chose Stanford.
Reaves felt responsible for helping to screw over Dean, and now all
over again with an ill prepared hunt. He roughly opened the
refrigerator door and set out to make a few peanut butter and jelly
sandwiches. He piled four on a plate, and grabbed the carton of milk.
He was about to grab two glasses when the doorbell rang. Caleb
stretched out with his psychic ability and recognized the familiarity
of Jim Murphy.
He ran to the door. "Jim!" He welcomed the man awkwardly with relief
and the carton of milk.
Murphy cocked his head to one side. "Has Dean gotten worse?"
Reaves shook his head, and pulled the small duffle bag from Jim's arms.
He wanted to hug the older man and get some sort of reassurance. "You
pack light," he commented instead.
"I did missionary work, Caleb, and I really don’t have many
possessions." Jim replied as he entered the home. Jim always made the
younger hunters feel free to ask questions and he would always answer,
no matter how mundane the question. "How are you, Caleb?"
"Don't you want to see Dean. . ." Reaves tried to deflect the attention.
"You already confirmed he is stable. I want a moment with you."
Caleb shifted from foot to foot, noticing he still held the milk. He
placed it on the kitchen counter near the sandwiches. "I screwed up
everything. I shouldn’t be here. I couldn’t concentrate. . ."
The pastor lifted his hand up. "Caleb, stop. I always have a belief we
are always where we should be. So explain to me where you think you
should be?"
"Far away from here." Caleb bent his head, closed his eyes and gathered
his thoughts for a moment. "Jim, my parents. . .when they. . .well, my
dad he built this house on the beach. . ."
"I'm sorry, Caleb. I know the circumstances are difficult and I can
understand how difficult this must be." Jim reached out and cupped the
back of the younger hunter's neck. "Where's John?"
"He had to leave to help out Bobby." Caleb explained, and was surprised
Jim had not been told. As The Guardian, it was Caleb's belief Jim would
know the location of all the hunters.
"I see."
Reaves lifted his head, shrugging off the pastor's hand. "Jim, it's
stupid. I need to get over it. The U.S. is surrounded by water. Hell, I
love to build bridges over water. I just need to get past it."
Jim crossed his arms and rocked back and forth slightly. "When you
figure it out Caleb I would love to know, and I am sure so would John.
Do you realize he never goes to Lawrence, Kansas? Refuses to. And me?
Emma has relatives in California. They are kind enough to invite me to
visit, and I won't go." The pastor cleared his throat. "Don't downplay
your humanity, Caleb, ever. We are all fragile. It is that fragility
that allows us to empathize and help others."
Caleb appreciated the sentiment, the sense of camaraderie Jim was
trying to encourage. Yet, had he not been distracted then Dean would
not be in his current situation. "But, it's effecting the job."
Jim closed his eyes. "I think it was the enemy that did that," he said
softly. "I'd like to see Dean now."
Caleb gave a curt nod, led the way up the stairs after grabbing the
sandwiches and milk. "Ahh, I wasn't exaggerating, Jim. He looks eighty,
maybe older. And he's a cranky sonofabitch too." The psychic was not
going to reveal his and Dean's previous conversation about Sam.
Caleb had left Dean's bedroom door open. They walked in, and Dean had
fallen back to sleep. Caleb looked at the sandwiches then Dean. He
placed the sandwiches on the bureau and went to awaken his friend.
"Wait, Caleb," Jim stated. He had remained transfixed in the doorway.
"When you told me. . .This wasn’t what I pictured." He walked in, went
to the bed, and bent lower to get a closer look.
Dean must have only been in a light sleep because he snorted awake. His
hand went to his heart. "Jesus, Jim, way to give an old guy a heart
Murphy stepped back, and Caleb rushed forward in concern. "Deuce, you
Dean laughed. "You should have seen your reactions! Of course I'm okay."
"Asshole," Reaves muttered, not finding any humor in Dean's predicament.
"Hey, you aren't supposed to say that in front of Jim." Dean added with
a smug smile.
"Oh, my boy, he is uttering the sentiments I am only thinking at this
moment," Jim replied as he lifted Dean's arm and studied it for a
moment before softly setting it back down.
Dean hid the too thin arm under the covers once more.
"You better shut up and have a sandwich, and let us adults talk." Caleb
brought the plate over, waited until Dean took the top sandwich.
Caleb watched as Dean opened the sandwich. "No marshmallow Fluff?"
Reaves decided to ignore the other hunter, the less attention paid to
Dean, the more comfortable he would feel and the more likely he would
eat. "We need to ask you something important." Reaves directed his
comment to Murphy. "Jim, we need this to be a secret from John and Mac."
The pastor sighed, and looked heavenwards before settling back on
Caleb. "I don't like keeping secrets from your fathers. They are
Dean took a bite of his sandwich. "But you are The Guardian-the head of
The Brotherhood, a secret organization."
Caleb easily followed his friend's logic. "So, someone important does
know, and we aren’t really keeping a secret."
Jim shook his head. "Boys, simple things are best. Fine, as long as
Dean turns back to his normal self."
Caleb didn't know if that meant Jim would be able to help Dean or
keeping The Scholar and Knight unaware made the situation less
complicated. But, he was happy Jim agreed.
"With you here, it'll be fine. I need something to wash this down with,
Dude." Dean had eaten half of the sandwich.
Caleb poured a glass of milk and handed it to his friend. "Drink up, it
does a body good." He noticed Dean seemed more hopeful. Jim always
brought some kind of hope to the younger hunters-whether it was in
words or actions, they knew he was on their side.
"If you don't mind?" Jim shut off the radio. "Tell me what happened
from the beginning."
Reaves cleared his throat. "I found this connection between the
Dollhouse and missing men, but didn't think it was anything
supernatural at first. I exchanged some emails with Eleni."
"I would like to see them," Jim said.
"Me too," Dean added.
The emails were of a racy nature and not something for the pastor's
eyes, and Dean knew it. "N-No, not a good idea Jim, not a good idea at
all. I'll just summarize." Caleb stuttered, feeling heat rise to his
face. Damn, he was embarrassed.
Dean snorted, and then coughed a few times.
"Deuce?" Caleb asked, looking at Dean and then at Jim.
"Just give me a minute man," Dean replied. He then rested back against
the pillow and brought an arm over his eyes.
"Dean, we need to know what's happening." Jim said as he rested a hand
on the top of Dean's head.
"I hear her again." Dean groaned. "Damn, she's giving me a headache."
"Hear her?" Jim frowned.
"The woman who did this to him wants to finish the job." Caleb glanced
at the radio. "I'll turn the music back on, that seemed to help last
time." Reaves had avoided giving the other morphine, but if need be it
was ready.
They waited a few minutes, and Dean dropped his hand away from his eyes.
"Better?" Jim asked, then removed his hand. "Hmmm."
"Yeah, sorry about that." Dean kept his eyes focused on a spot on the
wall, not meeting the other hunters' eyes.
"No, it's fine." Jim nodded at Caleb. "Can you continue?"
Reaves gave a hard look at the bedridden hunter. In Dean's aged state,
Caleb was unable to discern if Dean had grown paler or not. "Then this
body of a thirty year old washed up, but he wasn't close to thirty,
more on the backside of eighty. No offense, Deuce." Reaves attempted to
bring some levity to room, since it seemed as though Dean was realizing
his frail state.
It worked. Dean smirked and gestured with his slightly crooked,
arthritic middle finger.
Jim shook his head.
Caleb returned the smile. "You'll have to excuse him, he's senile."
"Let me get to the good part-I met Airlea on the beach." Dean continued
the story. Caleb was happy the younger hunter didn’t include the part
where Caleb had a mental meltdown. "She's the one who did this." Dean
gestured to his face.
"She lives locally?" Jim questioned as he pulled up the chair Caleb had
abandoned earlier. Reaves had taken a seat on the corner of the bed.
"About 3 buildings down." Dean confirmed.
"Caleb, I think you will need to pay her a visit, but finish the story
first." Jim stated, and Caleb recognized the pastor morphing into The
Guardian, directing hunters in The Brotherhood.
"So we went to The Dollhouse . . ." Reaves picked up the story again,
but was deterred by Winchester's interruption.
"Where Caleb almost barfed on his date, Eleni."
"You were ill?" Murphy studied the psychic. Caleb remained silent, Dean
divulging the truth.
"Each time we went."
"Are you done?" Caleb flicked at Dean's covered foot.
Dean frowned, and moved his leg away. "Yeah, just wanted to make sure
you didn't forget the important part."
Caleb thought about his next words. He would have to censor a lot, and
then admit the truth. He plunged forward, "And to skip to the end I
Dean interrupted. "We got separated, and Airlea and I did the crazy
monkey dance. . ."
"Crazy monkey dance?" Jim repeated the words slowly.
Caleb covered his mouth to hide the smirk, but then translated, "They
had sex, and in the morning he was like this." He should be mad at Dean
for taking the blame. Caleb was supposed to be watching Dean, not
trying to have fun with Eleni.
"We think it is a succubus." Dean's voice was getting raspy again,
causing Caleb to wonder if this was a preview of what would happen to
Dean when he was old that his voice would become grainy. "Maybe more
than one because Caleb couldn’t perform with Eleni so we don't know. .
"Hey! I could so perform." Caleb resented the insult. "Maybe I was
allergic to her perfume or something."
Jim raised his hands up. "Boys, that's enough." They both gave the
pastor their attention. "And I don't believe they are succubi."
"Do you know what they are?" Caleb asked.
"I have an idea, but I would like you to confirm it by paying Airlea a
"I'll get on it." Caleb answered, happy to have a direction and Jim
supporting them. He knew he was the next Knight, accepted he would be
giving orders, but taking orders allowed him to relinquish his burdens.
Dean pulled back the bedspread, and shifted his legs.
"What are you doing?" Caleb stood up, placing a hand on Dean's shoulder.
"Why you fill Jim in on your internet activities, I've got to hit the
head, maybe take a shower too." Dean wavered slightly, but placed a
firm, tenuous, thin hand on the headboard.
"No way."
"Damien, I am not wearing adult diapers. I can do this. Got to get out
of bed sometime."
Jim came between them. "Caleb, you're tired. Get some rest, then plan
your strategy to for tonight for your trip to Airlea's home. Report to
me before you leave."
Caleb gave the pastor a salute, which Jim ignored.
"I will escort Dean to the bathroom." Jim patted Dean's face. "And I
will not complain about bearing your music while you get cleaned up."
"I'm not an invalid. I feel better." Dean whined. "What about minding
your elders?"
"Yours is only a temporary situation." Jim affirmed.
And Caleb believed him, had hope Dean would be fine and he would be
able to bear the sounds of ocean for a little while longer
by Majs